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Notices tagged with arch, page 4
Federation Bot ('s status on Sunday, 03-Feb-2019 16:54:31 UTC Federation Bot -
Federation Bot ('s status on Sunday, 03-Feb-2019 15:49:32 UTC Federation Bot Trending tags:
#instagram -
Victorhck ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Nov-2018 08:33:03 UTC Victorhck openSUSE Develops Legal Review System #openbuildservice #Announcements #add-onservice #BuildService #Distribution #legalreview #Tumbleweed #WeeklyNews #opensource #database #licenses #opensuse #Project #factory #legaldb #library #process #debian #fedora #gentoo #github #openQA #system #Kubic #Cavil #Leap #Arch #Bots #perl #suse #OBS
Victorhck ('s status on Thursday, 08-Nov-2018 10:10:42 UTC Victorhck openSUSE Develops Legal Review System #openbuildservice #Announcements #add-onservice #BuildService #Distribution #legalreview #Tumbleweed #WeeklyNews #opensource #database #licenses #opensuse #Project #factory #legaldb #library #process #debian #fedora #gentoo #github #openQA #system #Kubic #Cavil #Leap #Arch #Bots #perl #suse #OBS
cr0n0s ('s status on Friday, 10-Aug-2018 15:29:38 UTC cr0n0s Tiempo de sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade en #Debian testing, claro. Más tarde un sudo pacman -Syu en #Arch / #Manjaro - ('s status on Monday, 06-Aug-2018 15:13:38 UTC Yay: un excelente ayudante para AUR y una alternativa a Yaourt
Los usuarios de Arch Linux y sus derivados sabran que el uso de Yaourt ya no es recomendable, pues este asistente de AUR ya no recibe mas soporte y esta descontinuado, por lo que se recomienda utilizar algún otro asistente.
Es por ello por lo que el día de hoy vamos a compartir con ustedes un excelente AUR helper con ustedes, el cual podemos considerar para ser un excelente remplazo de Yaourt e incluso de pacaur que también descontinuado.
El asistente del cual hablaremos es Yay (Yet another Yaourt), este es un nuevo ayudante para AUR fiable que está escrito en el lenguaje de programación GO.
#Ñ #gnu #linux #gnulinux #arch #archlinux -
Renato Lond Cerqueira ('s status on Friday, 13-Jul-2018 20:41:43 UTC Renato Lond Cerqueira Hey, y'all!
I decided to write a blog post and explain how to run Mastodon using Arch Linux. It's the same routine I use for and so it's fairly battle tested!
Here's the post:
I did test the guide by creating another instance, but if you have troubles or questions, ask away!
Melek ('s status on Monday, 07-May-2018 23:09:37 UTC Melek Logre hacer un tutorial de instalación de #Arch #Linux con prostitutas y juegos de azar XD
Melek ('s status on Sunday, 06-May-2018 01:05:35 UTC Melek Estoy trabajando en un how to installl #Arch #Linux el problema es que no se como meterle juegos de azar y mujerzuelas, bueno los juegos de azar si pero lo otro no 😲
- ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Mar-2018 15:48:27 UTC una-al-día | Hispasec: #Ubuntu, #Arch y #Fedora afectadas por una vulnerabilidad en el kernel
La vulnerabilidad con código CVE-2013-1763 afecta a un amplio rango de distribuciones, entre ellas Fedora, Ubuntu y Arch Linux. Esta vulnerabilidad, cuenta además con el código para explotarla, que permite obtener privilegios de root. En esta entrada analizaremos cómo se obtienen dichos privilegios.
#Ñ #seguridad #gnu #linux #gnulinux -
Victorhck ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 10:02:16 UTC Victorhck I lov3 CLI: el siempre fiel newsbeuter (RSS) #tips/how-to #utilidades #Newsbeuter #GNU/Linux #Software #Manjaro #Debian #Arch #CLI #RSS
Victorhck ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 10:02:14 UTC Victorhck I lov3 CLI: MPV + Youtube-dl #tips/how-to #utilidades #youtube-dl #GNU/Linux #Software #Manjaro #Debian #Arch #CLI #MPV
Victorhck ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 09:53:19 UTC Victorhck I lov3 CLI: el siempre fiel newsbeuter (RSS) #tips/how-to #utilidades #Newsbeuter #GNU/Linux #Software #Manjaro #Debian #Arch #CLI #RSS
Victorhck ('s status on Wednesday, 14-Feb-2018 09:53:16 UTC Victorhck I lov3 CLI: MPV + Youtube-dl #tips/how-to #utilidades #youtube-dl #GNU/Linux #Software #Manjaro #Debian #Arch #CLI #MPV
mynamebaka 👌 ('s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2017 01:01:23 UTC mynamebaka 👌 i should install #arch on my lappy
victorhck ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2017 19:04:45 UTC victorhck JuNest #Linux
JuNest (Jailed User NEST) is a lightweight #Arch Linux based distribution that allows to have an isolated GNU/Linux environment inside any generic host GNU/Linux OS and without the need to have root privileges for installing packages. -
victorhck ('s status on Sunday, 13-Aug-2017 19:03:59 UTC victorhck JuNest Linux
The #Arch Linux based distro that runs upon any Linux distros without root access. -
victorhck ('s status on Monday, 29-May-2017 17:46:39 UTC victorhck Leido en Diaspora:
#arch #Linux is highly user friendly, it is just highly selective who it is friends with. -
anonymiss ('s status on Wednesday, 17-May-2017 10:00:04 UTC anonymiss Ready for What?
Why "Kiddie" Linux Distros are Awesome
In another Diaspora post, a user shared this #Linux #humor post, which I "liked" and am re-sharing - with a little twist:
There's an assumption in the comic that the "kids" will "grow up" to become super-duper master geeky techno-wizards with "mad programming skillz" and create a master race of sentient androids or something.
I say, in reply to this assumption, "until you are ready:"
Ready for what? Some of us are just ordinary users who surf the 'net, write letters and term papers, share e-mail, watch videos, and play games. It’s all we did on Windows or Mac, and it’s all we care to do on any OS. We run applications, not the operating system.
Ready? To do what, exactly, besides customize / personalize the #desktop, and install peripherals like printers, speakers, joysticks and stuff? The most inexperienced #novice can do all those and keep everything updated effortlessly in the “kiddie distros” as they have been called. And you can add #LinuxLite to that list - and you see what all the “kiddie” distros have in common? They are #Ubuntu-based. More than anyone else, #Canonical (Ubuntu) has brought Linux to us ordinary, non-geeky mortals and kept thousands if not millions of computers out of landfills. Others are doing similar work! #Salix, for example, is doing for #Slackware what #Ubuntu did for #Debian. And it’s crazy simple to use even though Slackware is certainly not (I just wish Gnome stuff was available in Slackware!). Even #Arch has a derivative or two that are made for simplicity and “friendliness.”
I have installed and used at least a dozen distros, from Debian and Ubuntu (and derivatives including #Mint, #ElementaryOS, #LXLE, and #LinuxLite) to Salix and even the newcomer, VoidLinux. I’m not a novice, but in the end I’m really “just a computer user” and I really only want to get my school work done, surf a little bit, blog a little bit, play a little bit, and listen to a little music. Why make it complicated?
The funny thing is, a whole lot of very gifted geeks worked very long and hard to make Linux available and useable by us "ordinary desktop users." And many of us ordinary mortals are grateful, supporting our favorite projects with translation help, monetary donations, and getting the word out.
And a whole lot of very gifted geeks use the same "kiddie distros" as we mere mortals do, either to help develop them further or just because they want to run applications instead of the OS for ordinary tasks.
-- An unashamed #kiddie-distro user
- ('s status on Tuesday, 02-May-2017 18:04:32 UTC #Arch Linux anuncia nueva imagen de instalación y estará impulsado por el kernel 4.10.13
Según se puede leer en SoftPedia, Arch Linux ha publicado una nueva imagen de instalación, que lleva por nombre Arch Linux 2017.05.01. Además, a partir de ya mismo el sistema operativo estará impulsado por el último núcleo estable de Linux, el kernel 4.10.13.
Si no estás familiarizado con el mundo de Arch es probable que te preguntes por qué esta denominación, cuando Linux Mint o Ubuntu suelen usar otras más simples. La respuesta es muy simple: se trata de una distribución rolling release, lo que siginifica que se actualiza sobre la marcha y no existen versiones, como podría ser el caso de Debian.
#Ñ #GNU #Linux #GNULinux #GNU-linux