So WikiLeaks harmed a lot of people - who don't exist - while the US foreign policy & military apparatus haven't harmed anyone
Notices tagged with assange
Syphilia Morgenstierne ('s status on Thursday, 27-Jun-2024 19:24:42 UTC Syphilia Morgenstierne
Revu ('s status on Wednesday, 26-Jun-2024 15:53:39 UTC Revu por fin, una injusticia llega al final. #Assange In conversation from permalink Attachments
Carlos Francisco 🦣 ('s status on Tuesday, 25-Jun-2024 03:44:37 UTC Carlos Francisco 🦣
Julian Assange, fundador de WikiLeaks, llega a un acuerdo con la fiscalía de EE UU para quedar en libertad
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Wonderskeptic ('s status on Saturday, 10-Feb-2024 11:37:06 UTC Wonderskeptic
What did #Assange have for breakfast today?
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Wonderskeptic ('s status on Wednesday, 06-Sep-2023 11:10:22 UTC Wonderskeptic
What did Julian Assange have for breakfast? Why?
#assangeIn conversation from permalink -
Geku ('s status on Friday, 09-Jun-2023 17:09:11 UTC Geku
"Freiheit für Julian Assange!"Pariser Platz 2, 10117 Berlin
jeden 1. und 3., Donnerstag
15.06.2023, 18-20 Uhr
20.07.2023Weitere Infos / Kontakt:
#FreeAssangeBerlin: via
#Berlin #Mahnwache #JulianAssange
#investigativerjournalismus #demo
#Journalist #EU #AssangeIn conversation from permalink -
Sursiendo ('s status on Tuesday, 09-May-2023 17:45:06 UTC Sursiendo
"En el punto de inflexión de la historia de la humanidad en el que nos encontramos, necesitamos más que nunca una defensa del periodismo libre y sus fuentes"
✍️ El medio CTXT comparte el discurso del reportero Fabian Scheidler a favor de la liberación de #Assange, en español
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stefania maurizi ('s status on Tuesday, 11-Apr-2023 20:16:55 UTC stefania maurizi
Today is 4 years since Julian #Assange has been incarcerated in Britain's harshest prison, as an innocent man, for revealing war crimes and torture. History won't be kind to those who are silent on this monstrous injustice:
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Wikileaks [bot] ('s status on Wednesday, 11-Jan-2023 22:51:53 UTC Wikileaks [bot]
The Guantanamo Detention camp was opened 21 years ago: Jan 11th 2002
Julian Assange & WikiLeaks began publishing the #Gitmofiles detailing abuses at #Guantanamo in 2011
40 years of the 175 year sentence #Assange will face if extradited are for this publication #FreeAssangeNOW
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Wikileaks [bot] ('s status on Tuesday, 27-Dec-2022 18:13:44 UTC Wikileaks [bot]
Intn'l Federation of Journalists: "The UK decision to allow the extradition of #Assange is vindictive and a real blow to media freedom"
Amnesty: "sends a chilling message to journalists the world over"
RSF: "implications for journalism around the world cannot be overstated"
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Jure Repinc :linux: :kde: ('s status on Thursday, 30-Jun-2022 15:47:08 UTC Jure Repinc :linux: :kde:
IFJ (International Federation of Journalists) launch the #FreeAssangeNOW campaign to call on the #US 🇺🇸 government to drop all charges against Julian #Assange and allow him to return home with his family.
Punishing Assange for exposing war crimes poses a threat to all #journalists worldwide.
More information on how to join the campaign on our campaign page, available in:
English 👉
Spanish 👉
French 👉 conversation from permalink Attachments
Patrick Breyer ('s status on Friday, 17-Jun-2022 14:53:54 UTC Patrick Breyer
🇩🇪 🚨 Erschütternde Nachrichten aus London:
Die britische Regierung stimmt der Auslieferung von Julian #Assange in die USA zu. Dort droht ihm die Todesstrafe. Ein schwerer Schlag für #Whistleblower, Journalisten & die #Pressefreiheit.
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Patrick Breyer ('s status on Friday, 17-Jun-2022 14:53:52 UTC Patrick Breyer
🇬🇧 🚨 Shocking news from London:
The British government agrees to the extradition of Julian #Assange to the USA, where he faces the death penalty. A huge blow for #whistleblowers, journalists & #pressfreedom.
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berrp ('s status on Wednesday, 15-Jun-2022 12:44:03 UTC berrp
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Jérémie Zimmermann🎶💗🧀🧉5946 ('s status on Wednesday, 04-May-2022 00:38:16 UTC Jérémie Zimmermann🎶💗🧀🧉5946
"Press Freedom" will remain a bitter joke and a vast hypocrisy while #Assange hasn't been freed...
#WorldPressFreedomDay #WPFD #WPFD20 #FreeAssange #DontExtraditeAssange
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Arfran ('s status on Monday, 25-Apr-2022 08:24:09 UTC Arfran
♲ sempre ens va fer costat.
Estan a punt d'extraditar-lo. S'enfronta a 175 anys d presó. Aquest és el preu d dir la veritat.
#FreeAssangeNOWIn conversation from permalink Attachments
rnek0 ('s status on Saturday, 19-Mar-2022 13:18:22 UTC rnek0
Stella’s Newsletter
By Stella Moris · Launched 5 days ago
Free Julian Assange
#wikileaks conversation from permalink Attachments
Wikileaks [bot] ('s status on Thursday, 17-Mar-2022 16:01:23 UTC Wikileaks [bot]
Amnesty statement slams Supreme Court refusal to hear #Assange appeal | @amnesty #FreeAssangeNOW
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Wikileaks [bot] ('s status on Sunday, 06-Mar-2022 19:08:33 UTC Wikileaks [bot]
"We all know more about war crimes and human rights abuses (because of Julian #Assange)...its only the publisher being pursued here...there is no public interest defense..its a very dangerous precedent" | Reporters Without Borders Rebecca Vincent @RSF_inter
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The week ends, the week begins ('s status on Friday, 04-Mar-2022 00:22:12 UTC The week ends, the week begins
"Weeks after the U.S. invaded #Afghanistan, for example, the chairman of #CNN sent a memo to all staff advising them in no uncertain terms to downplay the #suffering of Afghans, stating that it “seems perverse to focus too much on the #casualties or hardship in Afghanistan.” Chelsea #Manning and Julian #Assange went to prison for releasing images of victims of U.S. wars. Yet #Russia’s victims are front and center, with #media even going so far as to approvingly report on Ukrainian civilians making and using #Molotov cocktails on Russian forces."
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