@qoto I hope the previous post made sense? It was already in fact Boosted and distributed to that usergroup (which could contain any number of users), everyone following it will get notified and see it. Cool.
- Oh, I want a Private group! 😄 Maybe in the future extra features will be added. For now, want a sec group? CREATE IT and DON'T tell anyone other than the intended users. Keep it hush hush and you get some privacy,
(I think; it might show up on the local feed possibly? This is all new to me too, here trying to explain it to you)
How About Creating a NEW Group?
- reading that same screen above (again, it's located at : https://gup.pe/u/guppegroups )
we see a reference to :
"Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName"
OK - so say we want a new qoto-bikers group. We are all cyclists, and plan some rides, or maybe it's a motorbike group. Let's make it happen!
- What group name? You decide. Keep it Simple. Short. Memorable. Obvious if you can!
ok, how about qoto-bikers? 😄
- This will be done from inside you own Home -- your own instance, in my case, this is qoto.org.
- We enter the new Group name we decided on into the SEARCH box, on the top Left corner of the web page (or in the search box in your mobile app)
On the screen below you can see the NEW @group_name@instance_name already typed in. Hit enter and it goes to work!
Will show the result in the next post.