to prove that this is done, i have left the pleroma gitlab. do not contact me about pleroma issues anymore.
i used to believe wholeheartedly in the work i was doing involving the fediverse, but i just can't do this anymore.
on the technical side, nobody listens about security. on the social side, everyone immediately assumes the worst about everyone else.
this is not where i want to be.
and this situation reminds me a lot of IRC in the 2000s, where i "grew up."
the script kiddies won then, and with the internet of things, they'll win here too. meanwhile, the people who are actual threats will continue to slip through.
but you know what? this is Not My Problem. you all made this mess, since you don't want to listen, you figure it out. good luck. image.png image.png
i think, i am done. with the exception of, who i will facilitate transfer to new infrastructure, all instances will be shut down within the next 90 days. this is just entirely uninteresting to me at this point. if i wanted to be called ad-hominems and slurs, i would just talk to my fox-news watching family who have mostly disowned me.
@demoakracia pienso lo mismo. Hace tiempo que nos seguimos mutuamente y nunca me ha recriminado por hablar en euskera (y alguna que otra en un mal catalán).
Gracias @tuttle . Esa orden ya la controlaba, pero creo que pg_repack hace otra cosa, y era por probar. Siempre que se pueda liberar espacionen la base de datos mejor. @spla
Zer moduz hasi duzue urte berria? Ekingo diogu urteko lehen liburua elkarrekin irakurtzeari? Gogoratu hilak 5 bitarte urtarrileko irakurketa aukeratzeko prozesua irekita dagoela
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 244, in <module> mast_users_total = mast_users_total + mast_usersTypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'NoneType'
@enjey No estoy muy puesto en sus actividades, pero supongo que continuarán en algún otro lugar con las actividades. La radio es