Exclusive: Google users in UK to lose EU data protection - sources
Notices by tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat), page 11
The New Oil (thenewoil@freeradical.zone)'s status on Thursday, 20-Feb-2020 01:30:00 UTC The New Oil -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Feb-2020 21:47:09 UTC tuttle @AgusGiralt 15.000 euros mensuals?! Quina barbaritat. -
nil (sobtec@mastodont.cat@mastodont.cat)'s status on Wednesday, 19-Feb-2020 14:36:26 UTC nil Google està desembarcant a l'escola pública 😱 La Federació d’Associacions de Mares i Pares d’Alumnes de Catalunya https://fapac.cat/ ens parlarà sobre les causes i les conseqüències de l'interès de Google per als centres educatius #Sobtec2020
Lleialtec (lleialtec@santsenques.cat@santsenques.cat)'s status on Tuesday, 18-Feb-2020 12:29:40 UTC Lleialtec Bon dia a totes i tots!
Dissabte 29 de febrer de 2020 celebrem el cinquè Sobtec a #laLleialtat Feu una ullada al programa!
És any de traspàs (bisiesto) i el Mobile es retira gràcies al coronavirus. Aquest 2020 promet! ;)
In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink Repeated by tuttle -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Monday, 17-Feb-2020 17:12:35 UTC tuttle @kat You can learn to use your eyes to help see better. Using Adverted vision, I have seen the Andromeda Galaxy a number of times from roof tops in Barcelona city. Naked eye astronomy is very rewarding. 🔭 http://moreisdifferent.com/2010/01/08/naked-eye-observing-techniques/ In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink Attachments
Framasoft (framasoft@framapiaf.org)'s status on Thursday, 13-Feb-2020 12:45:01 UTC Framasoft We've just released #PeerTube v2.1!
#PeerTube is a tool for you to free your videos from YouTube.
All new features are explained here: https://joinpeertube.org/news#release-2-1-0
Please share :pt_happy:In conversation from framapiaf.org permalink Repeated by tuttle Attachments
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2020 19:03:20 UTC tuttle @fanta jeje. que bueno! @titi In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2020 19:00:03 UTC tuttle @kat That's a favorite of mine too. Have you ever looked at it through binoculars? In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink -
The System Known as Alicia (kitsunealicia@octodon.social)'s status on Monday, 10-Feb-2020 17:23:50 UTC The System Known as Alicia Hey, capitalists, stop advertising yourselves as "serving" if you're the ones that actually get the final say over the community.
Trumping the community's input is called ruling over them, not servitude. It's deciding which part of the commons is for the peasants and which part is the King's private hunting grounds.
And you can fuck right off with that shit.
In conversation from octodon.social permalink Repeated by tuttle -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Feb-2020 12:01:44 UTC tuttle @rosadefoc ¿que hemos de esperar mientras el TMB sea el comodín de los corruptos para colocar políticos viejos y cuñados? In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink -
@rosadefoc@confederac.io (rosadefoc@red.confederac.io@red.confederac.io)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Feb-2020 09:49:14 UTC @rosadefoc@confederac.io CGT denuncia la supresión de autobuses coincidiendo con la entrada en vigor de la zona de bajas emisiones
Solo durante la semana pasada TMB suprimió más de 80 autobuses en diferentes líneas que dan servicio a los usuarios y usuarias de BarcelonaLa falta de previsión de la nueva dirección política de TMB, que tampoco ha tenido en cuenta la posibilidad de aumento del pasaje debido a la puesta en marcha de la ZBE, está provocando esta situación con el consecuente...
http://rojoynegro.info/articulo/acci%C3%B3n-sindical/cgt-denuncia-la-supresi%C3%B3n-autobuses-coincidiendo-la-entrada-vigor-la-zona-bIn conversation from red.confederac.io permalink Repeated by tuttle Attachments
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Feb-2020 11:54:40 UTC tuttle @stokes Yes, and no link to a fediverse account. Strange, because as far as I can tell, the fediverse is the place where this debate is taking place. @nextcloud In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Monday, 03-Feb-2020 15:47:13 UTC tuttle @origola No sé que pasa con el servidor :_( In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Monday, 03-Feb-2020 14:05:52 UTC tuttle @origola @fanta Me gusta mucho. La ultima versión está en castellano https://www.contributor-covenant.org/es/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.md Convenio de conducta. In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink Attachments
National Gorilla Suit Day (itsthemanonthemoon@octodon.social@octodon.social)'s status on Friday, 31-Jan-2020 19:05:47 UTC National Gorilla Suit Day 2000: Welcome to our shitty animated flash site for our restaurant. The hours will be baked into the flash so good luck if we ever change them
2010: Welcome to our shitty broken web site for our restaurant, here's a blurry, super-compressed scan of the cover of our menu
2020: Welcome to our shitty facebook page for our restaurant, we had a tech savvy young server set it up for us but then she quit so we can never update it again
In conversation from octodon.social permalink Repeated by tuttle -
Balu (balu@mastodonten.de@mastodonten.de)'s status on Saturday, 01-Feb-2020 09:49:28 UTC Balu Happy #FOSDEM everybody! 🎉 🎉
And don't forget to be grateful for #Google 😇 , #Amazon 😇 and #Facebook 😇 to sponsor the event! 💞
In conversation from mastodonten.de permalink Repeated by tuttle -
Lleialtec (lleialtec@santsenques.cat@santsenques.cat)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Jan-2020 11:49:11 UTC Lleialtec Hola vecis! Aquí el Node Rebelde Polako ;) #NRP
Muchísimas gracias a todes las que habéis participado de las #JornadasLibresIII Ha sido un honor teneros por aquí. Volved cuando queráis pero especialmente para la #fediconf jeje cc @fediconf
Si os animáis a organizar, estamos en esta categoria del foro de #feneas https://talk.feneas.org/t/about-the-fediverse-conf-category/101
Si sólo queréis asistir, esperaros un poquitín que estamos trabajando en unos formularios de asistencia.
¡Abrazos mil y hasta prontito!In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink Repeated by tuttle Attachments
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Jan-2020 09:16:17 UTC tuttle @fanta @barcelona @capmisson @jordila @revu @spectrumgirl @spla @titi Yo de ti no me fiaría mucho, que ando con un tornillo suelto. Y sí, demasiado tiempo :) In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink -
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Jan-2020 09:02:41 UTC tuttle @revu buenas! Escribe al info de aquí https://tec.lleialtat.cat/participa y te contesto con mi personal. :) In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink Attachments
tuttle (tuttle@santsenques.cat)'s status on Monday, 27-Jan-2020 19:23:25 UTC tuttle @fanta @capmisson @barcelona @jordila @revu @spectrumgirl @spla @titi Esto de ir moviendo la autenticación de un lado a otro añade complejidad que, pues.. si vamos a estar abriendo nodos, no lo veo de momento. IMHO In conversation from santsenques.cat permalink