I think the slides I prepared for #FOSDEM2024 are pretty cool.
I only have 20 minutes to explain what we have been doing in #Guix and #liveBootstrap and the #RISCV bootstrapping process. But it will be cool I think.
Traveling gives me anxiety, and I meeting people and all that too. I'm not nervous about talking in public, as I'm pretty much used to do it, but I'm nervous about all the rest of it.
Inspired by @whitequark , who was inspired by @STARGIRL, a "no stupid questions" thread!
ask me any question about programming languages, free-software, working as a freelance free software programmer, guix, bootstrapping, life, or anything else you think I know about, and I'll do my best to answer them.
Luego en twitch voy a analizar un codebase en C++ y contar qué cosas pueden mejorarse. Creo que podremos aprender bastante entre todos! Luego nos vemos en:
Tenemos una visión bastante paternalista de lo que pasa en el mundo. Como si la gente fuese tonta y no supiese votar y hubiera que enseñarles.
Eso sí, nosotros votamos de puta madre. Así nos va.
No sé, esto de hablar de intervención en países soberanos mientras luego lloramos porque españa nos roba o el estado opresor español etc me flipa un poco la verdad.
I want to apply for commit access in #Guix but this fucking protonmail account I use is just getting in the way all the time dude...
I have to learn to use GPG and Protomail's opinions are just preventing me from doing it as I'd like to. What should I do now? use the fucking shitty bridge they have that requires too many dependencies we can't package it? Or maybe change the provider and lose all my setup...
#thoughts es un proyecto tipo podcast donde pienso y comparto lo que se me ocurre sobre ciertos temas, principalmente la tecnología y el software libre.
En el primer capítulo hablo sobre el software libre y cómo lo vivo yo como autónomo.
@Gina More than "me das" I would say "me pones" which is like put but *to me*. Das is more like give (for free or something) but yeah, people will do some effort to understand you... You know, we are not English (😘 ).
Also if they see you looking guiri they will be more understanding. :)