Notices by #Anonymous (
Project For The New American Century - A.k.a Right Wing, NeoCon, White Supremacist Extremists - A.k.a NAZI SLIME!
A Very Heavy Agenda by Robbie Martin
Part 1 _ A Catalyzing Event
Part 2
Anonymous Bites Back Episode: 167 with special guest Robbie Martin
Never a frown with golden brown
@freespeechextremist #MAGA #NAZISCUM
Better watch out for the skin deep
EXCELLENT! #FinishHimOff
#ChildrenInCages #ICEscum
#Anonymous #FuckDonaldTrump #FuckICE #FuckThePolice #ACAB
Watch as these Trump I.C.E Nazi SS Obergruppenführer FuckFace motherfuckers smash a car window to drag a father away from his family.
Better watch out, you racist, Nazi PIG motherfuckers, because people will eventually begin to fight back.
I'm so fucking over these low-life Nazi cunts!.
Welcome back, brother
A massive effort from many people to get Barrett's Twitter account reinstated. A truly brilliant effort all round.
Tess, is a fighter. And just so fucking right for him. Well done, you two ;-)
You can tell a man from what he has to say
The truth will always prevail
#Anonymous #FuckFascism #FuckNaziSlime #StandUpAndFight
"Fascists are emboldened in direct proportion to the silence of the rest of us. Since 2016, I’ve confronted people in public several times. I stand in front of them saying, “Your hatred is not welcome here” — over and over until they leave. It’s scary — but it’s what I can do."
Leah McElrath
Massive kudos to @YourAnonCentral / #OpDeathEaters, they have been doing the majority of the heavy lifting for some considerable amount of time now.
@augustus It really doesn't matter how one spells it, the message is still the same, brother.
Catch 2020 – Trump’s Authoritarian Endgame
by Yoav Litvin
"Authoritarianism 101
Authoritarianism is driven by an engine of unpredictability. Perceived capriciousness and flagrant disrespect for acceptable norms nullify logical analyses and consequent counterattacks, producing feelings of powerlessness, fear and unease in the populace."
Yoav Litvin is a Doctor of Psychology/ Behavioral Neuroscience.
Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure
“I will not participate in a secret process that I morally object to, particularly one that has been historically used to entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech,”
Chelsea Manning
Un Fucking Believable!
"Chelsea Manning, who has been jailed for mounting a principled opposition to testifying before a secretive Grand Jury"
Now we're all PISSED! Fucking SEETHING!
R.I.P Keith Flint. A true fucking legend.
All Zionist roads lead to genocide
By Yoav Litvin
“Two years into a fascist regime, it is all the more urgent that in the name of humanity, the whole regime must be driven OUT. Not met ‘halfway’ or accommodated to in terms of a ‘better way’ to terrorize and marginalize immigrants, but driven out.”
All of this
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