@eovoltio Como alguien dijo, la peor "colonización" ha sido la del cerebro de la gente. Todos fueron convencidos por la trampa del neoliberalismo, aunque sean más pobres a cada año
Notices by The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im), page 6
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 30-Aug-2019 10:04:21 UTC The week ends, the week begins -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-2019 17:57:01 UTC The week ends, the week begins "Com o aumento dos incêndios, a hashtag #PrayforAmazonia é uma das tendências no Twitter e as ilustrações de artistas brasileiros (e não só) a criticar a inacção do governo de Bolsonaro, a manifestarem-se pela destruição das terras de povos #indígenas e a chorar a perda de biodiversidade da maior #floresta tropical do mundo estão a ser partilhadas milhares de vezes no Instagram."
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Aug-2019 00:16:31 UTC The week ends, the week begins Half a billion bees die within three months in #Brazil | The Independent
https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/bees-dead-brazil-pesticides-wildlife-a9071841.html?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1566328573 -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Sunday, 18-Aug-2019 12:11:36 UTC The week ends, the week begins Renunció el ministro de Economía de Macri
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Monday, 12-Aug-2019 18:35:11 UTC The week ends, the week begins #Estudiantes brasileños protestan mañana contra "Future-se" y la reforma de Pensiones
https://www.brasildefato.com.br//2019/08/12/estudiantes-brasilenos-protestan-manana-contra-future-se-y-la-reforma-de-pensiones/ -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 09-Aug-2019 23:00:51 UTC The week ends, the week begins "Hay una diferencia importante que no tiene que ver con Indra o #SmartMatic, sino con el alcance del #software. Con el sistema anterior se digitalizaban las actas en pocos lugares y eso reducía el riesgo de fraude, porque tenés menos lugares que controlar. Con miles de centros de transmisión, cada mesa se convierte en una #vulnerabilidad del sistema."
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 09-Aug-2019 22:56:10 UTC The week ends, the week begins "Para entender verdaderamente lo que hace un programa, hay que tener acceso a su código fuente. Para poder hacer una auditoría razonable sobre la calidad informática de un #programa, hay que tener el código #fuente. Como no entregan el código fuente y no tenemos información."
https://www.pagina12.com.ar/211286-escrutinio-provisorio-es-un-desastre-como-se-manejo-este-pro -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Thursday, 01-Aug-2019 13:17:22 UTC The week ends, the week begins @colegota Así es. Como todo el entretenimiento, me temo. Mientras no haya una sociedad igualitaria, el circo es eso. Sí, necesitamos arte y diversión. Pero nos entorpece (como el fútbol, el porno etc) y no hay manera de dosificar eso, en mi humilde opinión. La gente siempre va a preferir la diversión a la lucha colectiva :(
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Thursday, 01-Aug-2019 12:23:09 UTC The week ends, the week begins Con América #Latina tapada de gobiernos de #derecha y extrema derecha - y la catástrofe política, económica y social de Venezuela -, crece la miseria. Pero no es la historia que cuentan los medios
CEPAL proyecta sombrío panorama para América Latina: Ubica el crecimiento para 2019 en 0,5% https://www.uypress.net/auc.aspx?97593
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Saturday, 27-Jul-2019 00:35:44 UTC The week ends, the week begins Brazilian Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Gave Secret Talk to #Bankers and Took Money From a Company He Was Investigating
https://theintercept.com/2019/07/26/brazil-car-wash-deltan-dallagnol-paid-speaking/ -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2019 22:34:47 UTC The week ends, the week begins Brazil approved more new pesticides in 200 days than European Union did in 8 years
https://www.brasildefato.com.br//2019/07/19/brazil-approved-more-new-pesticides-in-200-days-than-european-union-did-in-8-years/ -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 19-Jul-2019 00:04:03 UTC The week ends, the week begins ¿Cuánto mandan los #bancos en los #medios? https://www.lamarea.com/2019/07/18/cuanto-mandan-los-bancos-en-los-medios/
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Wednesday, 17-Jul-2019 12:25:36 UTC The week ends, the week begins Brasil: exdirector de Odebrecht admite que fue obligado por los fiscales a “construir un relato” contra Lula
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Tuesday, 16-Jul-2019 20:40:05 UTC The week ends, the week begins El #hambre en el mundo lleva tres años sin disminuir: más de 820 millones de personas carecen de alimentos suficientes https://www.uypress.net/auc.aspx?97234
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Thursday, 11-Jul-2019 11:20:08 UTC The week ends, the week begins Nunca ha sido contra la "corrupción". Siempre fue por el saqueo rápido de los más pobres
#JubilacionesDiputados brasileños aprueban reforma de las jubilaciones impulsada por Bolsonaro - https://www.uypress.net/auc.aspx?97130
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-2019 09:29:34 UTC The week ends, the week begins Como nos enseña la historia, un pueblo puede sufrir décadas de #dictadura sin reaccionar. Ha pasado por toda latinoamérica y vuelve a pasar. La #dictadura de los milicianos, #narcotraficantes, #militares y fascistas alrededor de Bolsonaro no caerá sin protestas masivas y la única cosa que genera protestas es la caída de Instagram.
Triste país. Triste mundo -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Jul-2019 09:45:22 UTC The week ends, the week begins Nueva denuncia refuerza necesidad anular juicio a Lula
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Thursday, 27-Jun-2019 16:16:14 UTC The week ends, the week begins La dangereuse course aux #pesticides du Brésil
Le gouvernement #Bolsonaro a homologué 239 pesticides depuis son entrée en fonctions en janvier. En Suède, une chaîne de #magasins qui a décidé de boycotter les produits #agricoles brésiliens a suscité une vague de soutien sur les réseaux sociaux.
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 14-Jun-2019 13:26:19 UTC The week ends, the week begins Minuto a minuto | Greve Geral paralisa o país nesta sexta-feira (14)
https://www.brasildefato.com.br/2019/06/14/minuto-a-minuto-or-greve-geral-paralisa-o-pais-nesta-sexta-feira-14/ -
The week ends, the week begins (tuttifruttihat@mastodon.bida.im)'s status on Friday, 14-Jun-2019 00:20:20 UTC The week ends, the week begins "Ele (Bolsonaro) está liberando #armas para quem é rico, pois pobre não pode comprar, para matar pobres", diz #Lula em entrevista à TVT