@tagomago You've given me some good recommendations to contemporary artists before! Anyway, I think you'll like SVE. She's been in the indie scene for a while. I knew her drummer/partner back in the day. I wasn't that impressed with her then, but she definitely had something. And she's put out some good music since.
Sharon Van Etten's new album "We've Been Going About This All Wrong" is the best I've heard from her in a while. Maybe even a favorite. Every song is good.
I am still not over the fact that Republicans helped Trump (a one-term, twice-impeached president) steal two seats on the Supreme Court and give a third to a rapist while Democrats did almost nothing. It will be paying the far-right dividends for decades.
@tagomago Very good point. There is a lot of harassment happening in the comments section. I guess these can be moderated by the content owner, but that can get tedious. In any case, there has to be a way to talk with people and not just at them.
@tagomago Yes, I think you are right. It has me rethinking how I participate in social media (if at all). I may return to the IndieWeb philosophy and just use RSS and email to stay connected. The problem with this has always been the lack of a universal commenting system that is privacy-respecting.
I do not think Mastodon is for me anymore. It has turned into just another social hub, favoring quantity over quality. Even the Explore tab reflects this.
Does anyone know of other FOSS projects or communities where people engage in enriching and enlightening conversations?
I feel like there are important and interesting things going on in the world (both internally and externally) that people have stopped talking about.
@tagomago Turning off global boosts has helped me for now. I can 'almost' keep up with my timeline. But this is not a good long-term solution since I also like to see what others are sharing. Lists might be a good solution, but you have to be following someone to add them 😓
I am feeling the need for a digital detox. I may go off-grid for a while. Touch some trees, kiss the sky, wade in the water. Also work on the projects that give me meaning and purpose. Help others, protect the planet, take up less space. But I will be back for you beautiful people 🌷