Notices by Danyl Strype (
Danyl Strype ('s status on Thursday, 10-May-2018 17:25:03 UTC Danyl Strype
For all our carping about the new !kiwi govt... -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:11:32 UTC Danyl Strype
@tao ... and make HTTPS compulsory in all their browers the same day, making any site using an LE cert unreachable. But ... why? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:10:44 UTC Danyl Strype
@tao if you really want to put your #TinFoilHat on, the major browsers could all just stop recognizing LE certs at any time ... -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:08:54 UTC Danyl Strype
@tao seems to be a lot of hating on #LetsEncrypt of late. Why is offering free HTTPS certs so evil? They used to cost hundreds of $ a year -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:07:03 UTC Danyl Strype
@tao saw your post about #LetsEncrypt -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:03:25 UTC Danyl Strype
@jeffcliff @taoeffect I'll be sure to get my GNUs safely into the barn before nightfall ;) -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:02:28 UTC Danyl Strype
Good graphical summary video of academic economist #SteveKeen debunking the demand curve -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 17:01:01 UTC Danyl Strype
@einebiene @ghostdancer haaaare GNU, oh hare GNU ... -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 16:58:21 UTC Danyl Strype
@taoeffect @jeffcliff the #BitCoinBugs are getting out their e-pitchforks eh? Thanks for the heads-up ;) -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 15:22:43 UTC Danyl Strype
Welcome to the fediverse @trisquelwhare you might be keen to join !trisquel !kiwi -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 15:05:10 UTC Danyl Strype
@emelie I see you're using #Ko-Fi I just signed up a few weeks ago. How is the #Flattr 1.0 model working out for you? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 15:03:43 UTC Danyl Strype
@emelie how about the way the male characters age somewhat realistically while the female characters are eternally 25? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 15:02:45 UTC Danyl Strype
@vikings I seem to be having trouble following your account. Couldn't remote follow from your end, and got a #MailTo on this post -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:47:48 UTC Danyl Strype
@einebiene oh yeah ;-P -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:47:22 UTC Danyl Strype
@einebiene I wonder who our charismatic leader is, whose commands we obey without question? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:40:05 UTC Danyl Strype
@einebiene I guess it wouldn't really qualify as a cult if I was the only member ;) -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:38:09 UTC Danyl Strype
@taoeffect @jeffcliff sorry dude, I didn't mean to run over your dog, it just ran out into the middle of the internet! I had no time ... -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:36:18 UTC Danyl Strype
@taoeffect @jeffcliff I just realised that's a complicated question to answer in 500char chunks. Any good links explaining the difference? -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:33:02 UTC Danyl Strype
Today I got an email implying I'm in a cult because I'm critical of #FarceBook and don't use it *shudder* -
Danyl Strype ('s status on Wednesday, 09-May-2018 14:31:57 UTC Danyl Strype
@taoeffect @jeffcliff ok, thanks for the clarification. Catch me up on what the difference is?