A really neat side effect of working on better MIDI velocity editing is that the next version is coming with freehand automation drawing. Pressing Ctrl enables straight lines, you can press it on/off and keep drawing, no need to stop. Patch by @PaulDavisTheFirst
We've just released Ardour 7.5 featuring mapping tempo to performance, early support for timeline sections, autoconnection of I/O when switching between backends, and more
We've just released Ardour 7.4 with bugfixes and several new features: MIDI subgroup busses, volume control for the clip picker, optional neutral color for new tracks & busses, a Lua script to downmix 5.1 to stereo, and more.
MIDI drawing toolbar is one of the new features in Ardour 7. You can set predefined duration, channel, and velocity of new notes and then quickly add them to a region
We have just released Ardour 7.3 with support for VST3 I/O busses, sample rate independence, searchable preferences, AVX-512 support in DSP, and more improvements and new features, as well as bugfixes
Thanks to Robin Gareus, Ardour now announces itself in the local network through zeroconf/mDNS on Linux and macOS. So if you are a TouchOSC user, you will be able to discover it easily. Coming to v7.2 soon. Screenshot courtesy by Ben Loftis (Harrison)
Hello Fediverse, happy to join you :) Robin Gareus recently added a tiny nostalgic feature: importing lyrics from MIDI files as region markers. The "Import MIDI markers" checkbox has to be on. You can also convert those to location markers and then clean up region markers. The new feature is coming in v7.2 soon.