Please choose from the two contemporary design styles for your wifi hardware: “rounded soft box with white light” or “satanic death cult blood sacrifice altar”
Notices by sdw (
sdw ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 11:01:25 UTC sdw
sdw ('s status on Tuesday, 24-Oct-2023 00:18:02 UTC sdw
On iPod’s birthday I just want to reflect on the piece of software Apple partnered with to manage your iPod on Windows: Musicmatch jukebox. It was truly hilariously bad.
sdw ('s status on Thursday, 14-Sep-2023 21:50:13 UTC sdw
Having a joyful last week goodbye with this iPhone 14 Pro camera. It’s been such a fantastic camera for me, and the 3× lens is my absolute favorite.
Thanks iPhone, Amsterdam, @halide ProRAW, and fall light.