@Gargron If you don't like libre "Open Source" requires no clarification (Sorry Mr. Stallman, I know it isn't the same). There's FLOSS too, but few outside the inner circle know what that means
Notices by Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social), page 6
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 11-Jun-2018 23:38:04 UTC Osoitz -
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 11-Jun-2018 21:16:45 UTC Osoitz Mastodonen dibertsitate asko dago eta guay, baina penektomia baten osteko argazki bat ikusi berri dut! Joder!
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 11-Jun-2018 13:10:52 UTC Osoitz @izaro
Kasurik ez, Mastalab aplikazioaren errua da -
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 11-Jun-2018 11:55:03 UTC Osoitz @izaro
404 -
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jun-2018 20:57:03 UTC Osoitz Hackers 1-O
Reportatge d'investigació periodística sobre la lluita entre un estat espanyol emparat per la justícia i un ciberactivisme voluntari que espontàniament va construir a contrarellotge el sistema informàtic de l'1 d'octubre
Disponible fins al 17/06/2018 a les 23.59
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jun-2018 17:22:01 UTC Osoitz According to this video, if you are omnivorous you can't defend women's or homosexual's rights and must be a supremacist too (minutes 12:28 and 15:57)
Not only is this a logical fallacy, it's also well know that the main proponents of modern vegetarianism in USA in the early XX century actively defended Eugenics, Dr. Kellog himself lead the "Race Betterment Foundation", and the poster child of European fascism was vegetarian too.
Seriously, change your arguments.
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jun-2018 17:20:23 UTC Osoitz According to this video, if you are omnivorous you can't defend women's or homosexual's right and must be a supremacist too (minutes 12:28 and 15:57)
Not only is this a logical fallacy, it's also well know that the main proponents of modern vegetarianism in USA in the early XX century actively defended Eugenics, Dr. Kellog himself lead the "Race Betterment Foundation", and the poster child of European fascism was vegetarian too.
Seriously, change your arguments.
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jun-2018 17:18:37 UTC Osoitz According to this video, if you are omnivorous you can't defend women's or homosexual's right and must be a supremacist too (minutes 12:28 and 15:57)
Not only is this a logical fallacy, it's also well know that the main proponents of modern vegetarianism in USA in the early XX century actively defended Eugenics, Dr. Kellog himself lead the "Race Betterment Foundation", and the poster boy of European fascism was vegetarian too.
Seriously, change your arguments.
Daniel Supernault (dansup@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 10-Jun-2018 06:03:20 UTC Daniel Supernault @hinterwaeldler I used to freelance, but I am now laser focused on @pixelfed. I am surviving on savings and my patreon/liberapay for now.
https://liberapay.com/pixelfed -
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 09-Jun-2018 15:28:59 UTC Osoitz Mugikorrean musika youtubetik entzuten duzu inoiz?
Newpipe-k orain audioa besterik ez deskargatzea ahalbidetzen du eta datu mordo bat aurrezten dizu honek. Librea da eta euskaraz dago, noski.
NewPipe F-droid esklusiba bat da, ez bilatu Google Play Storen:
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 09-Jun-2018 13:52:21 UTC Osoitz Gusto ona dute Punk irratian
@Om (atomjack604@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 09-Jun-2018 12:09:28 UTC @Om spin velocity...
#spin #spinning #velocity #slowmo #slowmotion #breakapart #animatedgif
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 09-Jun-2018 12:13:04 UTC Osoitz @Gargron No, it should "Hide everything from example.com in the federated time-line", and should have no effect in my personal time-line, that's people I chose to follow
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-2018 23:47:34 UTC Osoitz @dabidnet hobeto pentsatuta, ikusiko dut zuzenean, ez publikatu :blobaww:
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-2018 22:53:09 UTC Osoitz @dabidnet
Photo or it didnt happen! -
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-2018 20:27:20 UTC Osoitz @dabidnet
Juas, txarriboda bat muntatzea bada plana bai, mozkor tatuatu -
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-2018 15:34:01 UTC Osoitz Si el dubte és per què apareixen els seus missatges al timeline federat:
"the federated timeline actually shows all public statuses the instance knows about, of which the majority is because the author is followed by users on that instance, but it's not always the case (boosted posts, posts that are replied to a followed user, etc)."
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-2018 12:05:18 UTC Osoitz Tantaka eta gelditu gabe gora doa mastodont.cat
Gora ba @mastodontcat !
Osoitz (osoitz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-2018 11:53:51 UTC Osoitz @izaro Bai, maizegi norberaren printzipioetatik abiatzen dira hausnarketak, norbaiti buruz eta ez norbaitekin hitz egiteko, eta ez da ahots ozena eta mezu argi bat ez dutelako antolatuta daude horiek.
Nik switter.at domeinu osoa mutututa daukat bestela federatutako denbora-lerroa zerbitzuen iragarkien uholde bat zelako. Gizartean ere deseroso sentiarazten gaituena ez ikustearekin konformatuko ginatekeela ematen du, El Correo-tik iragarkiak kenduta den dena konponduko bagenu bezala.
zital (zital@mastodon.social)'s status on Wednesday, 06-Jun-2018 09:04:34 UTC zital #js #javascript / greasemonkey / tampermonkey: EITB.TV-ren bideoetan elementuak ezabatzeko script-a