The lizards who want your guns also want you to take all your vaccines.
Notices by hippieNdisguise (
hippieNdisguise ('s status on Sunday, 22-Sep-2019 04:51:00 UTC hippieNdisguise
hippieNdisguise ('s status on Wednesday, 15-May-2019 07:26:54 UTC hippieNdisguise
Barrack Hussain Obama,
Ah, A Barbarian Mocks Us
Oh wait, wrong spell.
Barack Hussein Obama
A Base Koranic Ambush
Kaaba Cronies Ambush
Arkansas Bohemia cub
Arabians Ambush Coke
Bemoan Scarab Haikus
Unbake Boas Charisma
Unmask Ahab Aerobics
Babes Marihuana Sock
Ceasars Kahuna Bimbo
Aisha Suncream Kabob
Aha Cuba Bran Smokies
Saucier Shaman Kabob
Bahamas Bunkers Ciao
Kaaba Sub Monarchies
Sub Coma Kaaba Shrine
Brackish Amoeba Anus -
hippieNdisguise ('s status on Thursday, 31-May-2018 03:15:19 UTC hippieNdisguise
NA collectivism is interesting, i’ll try my best not to contaminate NAS. i’m wondering how people will adapt in the long run with social media, assuming humanity retains the ability of hindsight. @adam @moshguy
hippieNdisguise ('s status on Friday, 04-May-2018 15:01:39 UTC hippieNdisguise
Hehe that would keep people on their toes. @Wookhash