Le "Last Week Tonight" de John Oliver à parlé de la #ReformeDesRetraites
Notices by redfrog@mamot.fr
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Tuesday, 04-Apr-2023 13:30:59 UTC redfrog
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Wednesday, 22-Mar-2023 12:26:10 UTC redfrog
Nos casseur·euses ont du talent !!!
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Friday, 18-Nov-2022 11:22:50 UTC redfrog
Someone is projecting multiple messages onto Twitter headquarters building in SF from a neighboring building.
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Tuesday, 08-Nov-2022 18:41:09 UTC redfrog
Qatar 2022 World Cup in one image, 6500 people has died in 10 years of exploitation and overwork, most of them poor immigrants, at the construction of the stadiums in Qatar. For FIFA oil 💵 were more important than people life's. FIFA=MAFIA #Qatar2022 #BoycottQatar2022 #OpFifa
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Monday, 07-Nov-2022 19:51:04 UTC redfrog
$TSLA stock is getting absolutely crushed.
Remember, Elon bought Twitter with over-leveraged loans using Tesla stock as collateral. As advertisers flee, he will need to take out more loans & sell even more stock to stay solvent
What could go wrong! -
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Sunday, 30-Oct-2022 13:54:31 UTC redfrog
Happy logical Halloween.
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Monday, 10-Oct-2022 16:30:12 UTC redfrog
OnionShare 2.6 released!
This versionhas a quickstart screen, automatic censorship circumvention, and better packaging.
Get it at http://onionshare.org -
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Thursday, 09-Jun-2022 13:58:36 UTC redfrog
This is what happens when two bubble rings collide
[source: https://buff.ly/2Seb1ye]
[the physics and math behind a vortex reconnection: https://buff.ly/2SdU3zZ, https://buff.ly/2yYhp3L]In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Friday, 03-Jun-2022 13:34:34 UTC redfrog
A partir de Firefox 102, Mozilla activera par défaut la fonctionnalité privacy.query_stripping qui vise à supprimer dans les URLs les identifiants de chaîne de requête qui servent au #tracking (ex : Facebook et son fbcid).
https://www.ghacks.net/2022/06/03/firefox-102-query-parameter-stripping-improves-privacy/In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Saturday, 21-May-2022 14:05:13 UTC redfrog
Is the world’s oldest tree growing in a ravine in Chile?
https://www.science.org/content/article/world-s-oldest-tree-growing-ravine-chileIn conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Friday, 11-Mar-2022 20:14:32 UTC redfrog
The Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Two neighbouring houses are projecting the blue and yellow onto its facade.
The ambassador is reportedly “apoplectic”.In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Wednesday, 22-Sep-2021 21:31:52 UTC redfrog
The 7 hottest summers in recorded history have all occurred in the last 7 years.
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Wednesday, 22-Sep-2021 08:09:07 UTC redfrog
Le QR code d’Emmanuel Macron fuite sur Internet, l’Elysée dénonce « la négligence ou la malveillance de professionnels de santé »
https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2021/09/21/le-qr-code-d-emmanuel-macron-fuite-sur-internet-l-elysee-denonce-la-negligence-ou-la-malveillance-de-professionnels-de-sante_6095489_823448.htmlIn conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Wednesday, 22-Sep-2021 08:09:05 UTC redfrog
Rappel : « Projet Pegasus » : ces questions laissées sans réponse par l’Elysée
https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2021/07/30/projet-pegasus-ces-questions-laissees-sans-reponse-par-l-elysee_6090010_4408996.htmlIn conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Wednesday, 07-Aug-2019 11:07:03 UTC redfrog
Nantes Mort de Steve : un commissaire nantais plongé dans la tourmente
https://www.presseocean.fr/actualite/nantes-mort-de-steve-un-commissaire-nantais-plonge-dans-la-tourmente-07-08-2019-310716In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Friday, 02-Aug-2019 12:26:14 UTC redfrog
«Le bilan de la vente d’Alstom est catastrophique pour l’emploi et pour notre souveraineté»
Merci Macron.
http://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/politique/le-bilan-de-la-vente-d-alstom-est-catastrophique-pour-l-emploi-et-pour-notre-souverainete-20190604In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Wednesday, 03-Jul-2019 15:00:17 UTC redfrog
Disparition de Steve à Nantes : 85 personnes portent plainte pour mise en danger de la vie d’autrui
https://www.nouvelobs.com/societe/20190703.OBS15406/disparition-de-steve-a-nantes-85-personnes-portent-plainte-pour-mise-en-danger-de-la-vie-d-autrui.htmlIn conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Saturday, 15-Jun-2019 18:37:02 UTC redfrog
Surveillance : le réseau français "intelligent" d'identification par caméras arrive
La reconnaissance faciale "intelligente" est annoncée comme une nécessité pour le ministère de l'Intérieur. Le modèle chinois de contrôle et surveillance de la population par des caméras et des algorithmes d'identification des personnes semble inspirer le gouvernement et l'administration française qui lance des expérimentations et des partenariats. Explications.
https://information.tv5monde.com/info/surveillance-le-reseau-francais-intelligent-d-identification-par-cameras-arrive-242520In conversation from mamot.fr permalink -
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Sunday, 20-Jan-2019 11:04:22 UTC redfrog
Your house is overloaded with books. What do you do?
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments
redfrog@mamot.fr's status on Friday, 16-Nov-2018 08:54:40 UTC redfrog
Tech buzzwords explained:
In conversation from mamot.fr permalink Attachments