@diogo I'm trying to follow this account https://pleroma.libretux.com/users/izaro But it gives me this error: "Sorry, we could not reach that address. Please make sure that the OStatus address is like nickname@example.com or http://example.net/nickname." https://pleroma.libretux.com/users/izaro Don't know if it can be a problem at my instance or it's pleroma node related. cc/ @xrevan86
" Sorry, we could not reach that address. Please make sure that the OStatus address is like nickname@example.com or http://example.net/nickname." esto es lo que me dice si intento seguir a @punk que estoy haciendo mal???
@noriko No me deja seguirte: "Lo sentimos, no pudimos llegar a esa dirección. Por favor, asegúrese de que la dirección de OStatus es del tipo nickname@example.com o http://example.net/nickname." @noriko