"But for Stallman, moralism is the whole point. If you write or use free software only for practical reasons, you’ll stop when it’s inconvenient, and freedom will disappear." https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201611/the-sorcerers-code #FreeSoftware #OpenSource !FOSS
The Sorcerer's Code | https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201611/the-sorcerers-code …La búsqueda de Richard #Stallman para salvarnos de una red de #spyware-y de nosotros mismos.
La protesta no violenta de Stallman. Creo que la protesta no violenta, la protesta que no intenta forzar a los demás a seguir tus ideas -por muy correctas que puedan ser- es la que tiene más efecto. Haz que te sigan. "while attending a U.N. technology summit in Tunisia, he received a photo badge with a radio-frequency identification chip. Disgusted, he purchased a roll of aluminum foil, covered his badge, and handed sheets out to others"https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201611/the-sorcerers-code