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Federation requires some level of mutual respect, y'all. There's good hearted lulz and then there's instigating witch hunts. That shits gonna keep us cornered into a small subsection of the fediverse unable to communicate with anyone outside of ourselves, as the rest of it continues to grow.
This will ensure new users on popular nodes never even experience or learn what being part of a decentralized network means and will relegate problematic servers to the status of /r/the_donald, /r/kotakuinaction or /r/gamerghazi. the dregs.
I know it's stupid as hell to constantly be called nazi but we're thicker skinned than that, you know? I'm not saying don't shitpost or whatever. We're not responsible for what shows up in PTLs and there's plenty of self-censorship tools to allow users to curate their public and network timelines the way they want. Fine to call bullshit sometimes too, but circumventing blocks and hunting users breaks that mutual respect required.
Admins will do what they want. Transparent rules and bans are important, but there won't be a conversation if no one can see the discussion.
ps Subtlety is a golden fucking asset.
also i'm not your dad so you can do what you want.