Comic Title: Morality & How Researchers Talk About Us. The first panel shows a researcher looking at a graph. The text reads: In 2020, researchers conducted a study with autistic and allistic people. Participants were from Brazil and between the ages of 14-25. They were given a choice. The comic shows two different choices. The first one is: Support a bad cause for monetary gain. The panel shows a girl smirking and holding a stack of money, her back turned to a cardboard box of crying kittens. The text on the side of the box reads 'termination'. The second choice is: Don't support the bad cause but miss out on the money. The girl is holding one of the kittens in her arms and yells “No!” as she kicks the empty box away. The comic goes on to explain that the choice was given in two different settings: public and private. One panel shows a girl sweating nervously, surrounded by a group of people. The other panel shows the girl alone in a big open space as she carefully considers.