mural in Malmö, commemorating the 2200 children stolen from Chile to Sweden in illegal adoptions. on a backround of blue hues representing the sky and the sea, are the silhouettes of Chile at the far left, and Sweden at the top right edge. On the horizon a briefcase containing 5 babies, labeled "2200 illegal adoptions". Title of the mural (in Swedish): "The stolen children" on the left (chilean) side are six artisanal doves (lanografias) crying, on the right are six crying fish, all representing the tears of the families (on both sides) creating the ocean of tears. The birds form the eastern coast of south america (argentina, uruguay) accentuating the other countries that had their children stolen. On the horison, forming the crof waves, are the hashtags #NoMasSilencio & #IngenMeraTystnad repeated. Below, the text "1973 50 years of memories 2023.