MONKEY II AD COPY LEFT COLUMN HEAD: NOBODY LAUGHS WHEN THIS PIRATE PLAYS WITH DOLLS. SUBHEAD: INCREDIBLE VGA ART. BODY: We hired 256 out-of-work artists from Los Angeles and crammed them six-deep in an office until they came up with pictures we liked. SUBHEAD: INCREDIBLE MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS. BODY: All of the musicians we wanted are working in '70's comeback bands. So we scored a few tunes, added some great sound effects and went home. SUBHEAD: WE DID THE BEST WE COULD. BODY: We’re not perfect. But we've think scanned art, scintillating soundtracks, rehashed jokes and a great story get us close-- and over budget, too. Mice type: Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge™ and © 1991 LucasArts Entertainment Company. All rights reserved. Visit your retailer or order direct by calling 1-800- STARWARS (i Canada 1-800-828-7927).