🕶️ A view of its UI (v. with on the left different filters allowing to sort your games according to their origin or the supported emulator, at the top of the UI an input field to filter manually, a button to change the display (cover only or in list with other information), another one allowing to access to the view settings (zoom, sorting according to different criterias) and a sandwich button for the interface settings, and at last on all the rest of the UI, the covers of your games collection 📚️ Lutris is a libre interface to centralize the viewing, installation, play and maintenance (update management) of a collection of games locally or from online stores such as GOG, Steam, Epic Games Store, Humble Bundle, Amazon Prime Gaming, Origine, Ubisoft & Electronic Arts. It also supports non-native games via different emulators (called "runners", it includes the main emulators, but also Wine, Flatpak, Libretro, Pico-8, TIC-80, ScummVM, Web, ZDoom). It allows a general configuration by Runner, and a specific configuration for each game. It also supports many tools dedicated to games (Gamemode, Mangohud, gamescope, DXVK, VKD3D, anti-cheat systems, ...). For now (Sept-22) only the GOG store is fully integrated (view and update games from the interface), the other stores are links launching external interfaces.