The US banned Hawaiian language, poisons our water, devastated our universal healthcare, overthrew our country, & illegally occupies Hawaii to this day. My mother's hands were broken for speaking Hawaiian in school. The US is not a beacon, but the destroyer of independence.
The US has 34 million hungry citizens & is cutting the meager lifeline of 1/5 its population, throwing everyone deeper into starvation as billionaires are raking it in. Shameful. Hawaii pre-US occupation never let this happen.
More on the US' ongoing poisoning of its own troops and Native Hawaiians dumping jet fuel in our water at Red Hill. US should take care of its suffering citizens rather than pushing unhinged war on China.
The history of both Hawaii and Taiwan, and how we both need liberation from Western imperialism from a Native Hawaiian perspective. (Taiwan's Austronesian people are relatives of ours)
A thread on my game Neofeud about my life as an impoverished Hawaiian, social worker and STEM teacher for other poor/homeless, living in slums beneath billionaire mansions. My experiences refracted through the lens of satirical cyberpunk.
More on Hawaii that had the world's highest literacy rate, world's first Universal Healthcare, invented submarines before Jules Verne published 20,000 leagues, before the US invaded, banned our language and culture, ghettoized us, and buried the history.
54% of Americans can't read above a 6th grade level TODAY, teachers quit in droves, w/ trillions in student debt which graduates can't pay. A stark contrast to Hawaii's universal free quality education. The US should've learned from Hawaii instead of destroying us.
There are countries free of US capitalist shackles, like Cuba, which has universal healthcare, higher literacy rate, and Cubans live a full year or more longer than Americans under socialism. (700+ US overthrows of Cuba have failed so far, good job!) Hawaii should follow.
Hawaii was the first country in the world with high-quality mass-accessible public education, with over 70 newspapers in a country of less than 1 million. It's no wonder we electrified, provided mass transit, and invented torpedo-proof vessels, leaving the West in the dust.
Betsey Stockton, born into US slavery, owned by the President of Princeton. Unlike the US, she enjoyed equality as a women of color in Hawaii, & helped build schools. Hawaii became the most literate country in the world (98%) when Europeans & the US only educated the oligarchy.
As America 'considers' canceling student debt, remember 1800's Hawaii had the world's highest literacy rate, invented submarines when Western sci-fi dreamt them, had first-class rail & hydro powered cities & we had FREE education before the US' treachery and privatization.