Biweekly reminder: currently, elbinario offers the following services, all based on free software, for the use of anyone who needs them or wants to try, investigate, etc.:
- XMPP (encrypted instant messaging).
- Pad (collaborative documents).
- Mumble (audio conversations with good sound quality).
- Gitlab (collaborative software repository).
- Mailing lists.
- GNUSocial (micro-blogging social network).
- Blog (article posting).
The monthly expenses are only about 40.43 € per month. The team behind elbinario do not get any money; we do this because we want to provide the community with access to these free tools.
If every person on donate 0.50 € per month, it would be more than enough to cover all expenses. Please consider donating to elbinario a small amount on a regular or timely basis:
#Donation #Self-management