@dogjaw what did fuck it up? (What os are you currently trying?)
@dogjaw I swear to Debian, it has never failed me to be honest. I often test and use other distros but I always end back up on Debian. But I can see that you like Arch as you mentioned, that is a great distro as well.
@harald @dogjaw The only thing I have to say that I find negative about it is the installation process. same with Gentoo, I wish they at least had some type of installer like the console installer from debian. Which also has a easy way to set up full disk encryption and such.
I know you can RTFM and get it done, but honestly it's a pain to do.
I tried a couple of times to install with this, but I was not successful at it. So I usually just end up instaling antergos or manjaro, or sabayon instead of 'clean' gentoo. But I'll admit it feels a bit backwards, because you install something bloated and fix it by stripping away all the software, feels better to start simple and add to it instead.
@johnnynull Do the archbang installer support easy setup of full disk encryption? Antergos and manjaro does.. Would be nice if Archbang did this as well in a easy way. I'll grab that one and have a look at it. I've tested it before but I cannot remember the installation process in it.
@harald @dogjaw