If you'd like to learn more about the Co-op Cloud, we hold an online public moment each week, our kite flying hour, where you can drop by and have a chat! We're in https://meet.jit.si/CoopCloudKiteFlyingHour every Thursday at 15:00 CEST ☀️
A great (re-)start to kite-flying: great progress on a proposal for recipe maintainership, some tickets opened, and some infrastructure shuffling (including some long-overdue moving off of Docker Hub). Join us next week, Thursday 12th December at 19UTC 🤙
We made some more improvements to our docs, and had a great conversation with a new community member about mutuals, credit unions, and project governance. Join us next Thursday 26 at 1900UTC, or the following week at the same 12 UTC time 🤙 –3wordchant