Tonight I'll find a replacement for Instagram, I want to use my website as my central hub for all the images I post.
I do use wordpress - so I'm sure I'll find a solution. The only thing I'll miss is instagram's editing features - they are good.
And uploading directly from the app is something I'll also miss.
I'll edit the images on my computer instead before uploading them to the gallery on my website.
I did run a #mediagoblin instance before, but I think now I'll settle with a wordpress gallery instead.
@isaaac Because I have to do a lot of work to get it back up and running.
I ran it i a virtual machine (selfhosted).. And If I was to run that again I would rather do a fresh install on my VPS that my wesite is on - but then just enabling something on wordpress is easier since that is already up and running. But I'll think a bit before I decide. I do like mediagoblin.
@gdr Yeah, I know which one you talk about, all though I cannot remember the name.
But I do not want to rely on a 3rdparty service, I want to run it my self.
That's why I opt for either mediagoblin again - or just extend my website with a nice gallery.
@gdr @kris - thanks! But I want something I can run myself, not externals service :)
@gdr I see, well, I feel that's a bit overkill for just posting images..
@gdr also not intuitive for others who wants to see my images. I think a gallery works better for that.
@stigatle Do you know it is a instagram like !gnusocial
@gdr ah yes, that reminded me about the same thing - I did not like the way it deals with collections of images and such, not intuitive at all.
@aw (others mentioned that as well, see my previous replies) :)
Thanks for the input though!
@stigatle is a nice self hosted one
@theru That looks exactly like what I need. I will install this and test it. Thank you for that link.
@theru Easy to install and set up too, which is great!
@grmpyoldman I think you are the 4th person to mention it.
I have already replied the others - so see previous messages with my answer :)
(Its not what I was looking for).
@aw No problem, it seems like others too have that issue. So no worries :)
@stigatle one of the reasons I use it :-)
@angostura I'll check on that, thanks!