This should be, in my opinion, the !freesoftware and !politica1 priority nowadays: 🙋🏾
CUSTOM: We already know the '.m3u channel list' for premium channels. A !freesoftware app into "smart tv" (and other devices) for users to select custom channels #FreeTV, and other app to 'create these channels' #FreeChannelEditor. I mean, a framework where you can organize the content you want to be emitted by your channel. (Maybe it all already exists, but it is not implemented into users level). 📺 🎥
EVERYWHERE (long term): The hard part. Every owners of the countries restrict communication signals to their citizens to control them. 'Internet' could be a good provisional solution, it is quite well implemented into great cities but not along all geography and everybody needs this. Besides of net neutrality and other facts... 🔧
Every day count. 💪
!gnusocial !hacktivismo !radioslibres !estadolibre