The ideal Free Software laptop has in my opinion not yet been invented. It would:
- have no boot blobs
- Have corresponding board schematics usable in kicad or similar
- Use Free Software compatible wifi
- Be shipped with libre distros
- Have no proprietary graphics acceleration
- Be affordable to the precariat
- Be practical as a laptop (unlike the Novena)
- victorhck likes this.
- victorhck repeated this.
@maiyannah yes. Although there are exceptions most of the Free Software people I've met or communicated with in the last few years are very unlikely to be able to afford a Novena Heirloom or a Talos workstation.
@maiyannah @masoud there are existing systems which are some of the way but not all the way
@masoud @maiyannah they do, but it's a last resort solution and isn't really sustainable. To have a sustainable way forward the board design needs to be published so that it is manufacturable and we don't have to guess what firmware it might contain by reverse engineering.