So... @andstatus had used 1,20G mobile data just in one day :(
@colegota By default, AndStatus downloads attachments over WiFi only...
@andstatus not sure what kind of data traffic was, but it seems it becomes crazy!
I went out of home after lunch for holidays and after 4 hours of driving phone was very hot, but I thought it was because GPS Navigator.
Later at midnight, battery run out that was strange because I used CA adapter until 3 hours before.
Then restart the phone and in the morning I had messages from my Internet Provider telling me that I wasted my 1Gb monthly data.
Go to Data use and #andstatus did used 1,4 Gb from late friday to early saturday.
Then I had to remove it to stop transfer.
At the screenshots said "removed applications" now, but before it said Andstatus.
@colegota Such problems could be diagnosed by analysing the application's log. I personally have full logging to files constantly turned on for such cases.
More on logging in #AndStatus:
@andstatus can't find that data now. I supposed it was removed when I remove the app.
@andstatus did have the same issue again. And sorry but I forgot to enable logs so my logs directory was empty.
This time I configured #andstatus to work only by Wifi, and yesterday did noted a high battery usage so I checked data use by wifi and Andstatus did waste almost 1Gb while usually it's a bunch of Mb daily.
The problem seems to be caused because my node was not responding and I believe that last time I have the same problem was down again.
@colegota Please set logging level to VERBOSE.
What I cannot understand is: what data is being transferred? I mean if a server is down, it doesn't respond. By default, in #AndStatus failed commands are repeated not more than 10 times, and not less than after several minutes after previous attempt...
@andstatus @thefaico did it. I thought that there was some log always... Next time I'll got it.
Not sure about the problem itself, but combined the waste of data and the battery drain seems there is some infinite loop trying to get an answer for the server...
At the message's queue just have a few messages like this:
E; Enviado para colegota
Creado hace 10 horas
executed:1, last:hace 3 horas, error:Soft,
Expected 'SYNC', but was 'ONLINE' connection
@colegota "Expected 'SYNC', but was 'ONLINE' connection" means some command is waiting for WiFi connection to proceed
@andstatus @thefaico maybe that message it's not related with the problem.
Just because after waste my data plan I configured the program to work only by Wifi.