@picklejarbob Don't consider Telegram to be secure. They use their own self-built crypto (not good), do not encrypt messages by default, group chats cannot be encrypted, etc.
And of course that makes it easier for them to provide some usability aspects such as big files, etc. but it is just not secure.
@picklejarbob @rugk I've looked over or a not and I've seen this telegram blog article before, but generally what they describe overall is: "Our solution is better, because we do not need to make tradeoffs for a secure messenger. We just don't e2e encrypt."
So basically they describe their usability/features, which they can have because they don't use e2e encryption. That is no surprise and is it not really a way you can compare messengers. If they value usability over security you cannot say that is better than secure messenger, who value security over usability. That are two completely different things.
Compare it to a car manufacturer who says you have the unique feature to get out if your car faster, because they don't built-in seatbelts. That's true, but not an argument for saying this car (manufacturer) is better than others.
@picklejarbob Yeah, good question. I would not (although in the US it is common to do so), but not because of the missing e2e crypto, but rather because the company and several small things (man-in-the-middle attack detection deactivated by default; URLs leaked by accessing them; …).