@cwebber The way I hear it, it was there. All the way from "Dude, that's not a good way to do it, it will break assumption X" only, to "I could help you design this part".
But @gargron was in too much of a hurry to get his features in, and preferred "here's how I read the [woefully incomplete and outdated] specs" over "here's how the installed base actually uses these protocols". Now people in the old community are burned out on trying to get things synced up.
There's a lot of mudslinging both ways, and people have all kinds of weird opinions about Mastodon and Gargron, but a lot of people on the Mastodon side seem to think "They just hate our freedom from abuse!", and that's not how it went down.
OStatus as practiced hasn't been at a standstill since 2013, there is an admin community that has added little fixes here and there, coordinating with each other, and Mastodon development hasn't been run in that collaborative way, it has been a move-fast-and-break-things effort.
- 御園はくい repeated this.
@clacke @cwebber I basically stalled development of my own shit for three months with trying to help someone who didn't want to listen make his shit work with the existing network. After a while, I'd had enough.