As some of you might now I’ve been having some trouble with my server, it's been plaguing me since the start and I was initially not able to track down the issue (server locked up completely, hard reboots where needed each time), but 11 days ago I noticed that mysql was filling up my kernel logs, apparmor was preventing it from starting, flooding my logs with error messages.
I disabled Mysql completely 11 days ago - since it’s not used on the server, and now it seems that was what was causing the trouble I’ve been having. It’s been 11 days now, and no issues what so ever, so this looks promising.
@make Yeah, it's been a pain in the ass to debug, because sometimes it took some days before the server completely locked up, some times a week, sometimes a bit more. But I found it by random while checking something else, so I'm glad I did poke around that day. :)