Hi #yaics users.. After little activity on the code for that I have now started working on the things that needs to be fixed, I just pushed some code that lets you set the maximum number of statuses to how in the timeline at once, this can be configured in the config window, It will prevent yaics from freezing up after running for a long while.
Also I have decided to remove the image preview webwidget, this is done so that It can be compiled with latest QT LTS, I will now rewrite the image preview code so that it uses the same type of widget as the avatar image, This means the webkit\widget is no longer needed.
When I tag the next release the image preview will be rewritten.
If you want to test the new feature, then get the code and compile. Please let me know how it goes, and if there are issues - report them in the bugtracker or let me know.
You find the code etc here: