@brennen yes, *decentralized* (centre-less network of communities), not distributed (network of atomized individuals).
Corporate stalinist Peter Thiel explains in a #WSJ essay why private monopolies are better than competing businesses
@brennen de nada :) It seems to fit.
@brennen He twists good arguments for managing natural monopolies as democratic commons, into rationalizations for global corporate rule
@brennen ... if we search and social network really are natural monopolies, as he argues, they must be democracies, not private empires
@brennen oops *web* search. I think he's wrong anyway, web search and social network can and should be decentralized, restoring competition
@brennen I like the idea of horizontal networks replacing states, corporates, and other mega-hierarchies, but *not* replacing communities
@brennen ironically, #FarceBook have created the appearance of a #P2P mesh of atomized individuals, on top of a totally centralized platform