@dokidoki Every single experience I've had for the past few years makes me believe that souls are earned, not given freely upon birth. So many people are stuck in their little NPC loops, without anything to give to anyone, just living life in their own little ways without making an impact in anyone's life. But every now and then I meet someone with a genuine soul, who has earned their personality and their beliefs through the fires of experience and the pain of existential threat. Even if they disagree with me at fundamental levels, I can still respect them. At least they're interesting to talk with.
I have no idea why there's no real theological concepts on souls being earned and not freely given to everyone. It seems so obvious to me, in a metaphysical sense, yet there's no religious or spiritual traditions with those beliefs. Why is that? Have we not realized it until the internet age? Was it not apparent until it was possible to interact with thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people? When confronted with the cultural accomplishments of millions who have never considered their place in life, and who are unlucky enough to never have had a spiritual awakening, have we encountered a new paradigm?
Every day I wrestle with these questions.