This one was too good to hide inside a reply.
Background to my lack of interest in the Krautnet:
German Internet got cucked to death over the years. First there was some precedent case that lead to judgement that explains that you are not responsible for the shit you link, then they got the stupid idea of attempting to get youth protection regulations online.
>implying Sad Panda and Pr0nstein from Hollyweird care about that shit and close their websited between 6am and 10pm
Furthermore anyone making money online, even if it just a banner ad has the duty to provide an imprint. That practically kills any hope of a Something like RoK emerging out there. People doing business over Ebay are also affected. There is a law according to which you have to use standard packages if you run a mail order business online. Even you run it over fucking ebay. No more recycling packages. Sure, you can cover it with bubble wrap envelopes. That lead to another initial investment some ebay traders couldn't shoulder and so they gave up. I am pretty certain that the imprint duty also covers blogs. If it doesn't, the next wannabe blockwart will do. Envy and cuckery are cancerous here, so you could end up getting some fun, because your stupid Hello Kitty shrine doesn't have your dox somewhere. Recently, Media regulation bureaus that are state level want you to get a broadcasting license as soon you livestream to more than 500 people on a regular basis, because they want some oversight over the content and some €€€. Twitch is already forbidding you to make lewd content. Nobody needs German Youth protection on twitch. The guy who came up with that idea deserves to get shot out of a cannon. By the way, the necessary legal counsel and the license itself cost at least 10K € . Meanwhile many people were starting to make online content, because they are desperate for income. Now nobody will even start, because the initial investment implied is at least 10K €. These guys don't have that kind of money laying around.
.de domains are piss cheap for ...''''''~~~(((reasons)))~~~''''''... though. Many people switched to english and either pretend to be murrican or mainly operate in the American scene. This led to some braindrain. Virtually stuck on the German speaking Internet is a fucking imbecile. Sure, there are forums. What kind of autist posts about pretty narrow topics all the time? Don't get me started on politics! Cuck Maas has ruined that one for us. You can get busted for posting something too controversial on fucking faceberg for fucks sake. Even if that is gone, its a waste of time. Most people are still living inside the dialectic and they apparently don't want out.