@maenad thanks for this, it seems very sensible
@maenad are people really still emailing chunks of code to each other when Git exists?!?
@maenad a shame they promoted Google Code, I guess they weren't to know it would shut down about a year after they published their article
@maenad woah. Send them this. It taught me #Git basics in a few days, and got me excited about it
@rysiek @maenad I'm a total noob at running servers, but I can't imagine trying to push a team's change to a production server without #Git
@maenad what excited me about learning #Git wasn't coding, but that I could immediately see myself versioning texts for a book with it
@maenad it's just as useful for a team working on the text of an academic paper as it is for a team working on a piece of code
@maenad check out #Authorea for a platform based on the concept of drafting papers over #Git
@maenad I wouldn't use #DropBox or #Slack either, when #NextCloud and a plethora of free code team chat apps are available
@maenad I'm not necessarily recommending #Authorea (when I last checked it had some proprietary bits), just using it as an example
@maenad point is pitching Git as a tool for managing text files (including code), rather than as a coding tool, might make it more appealing
@maenad BTW do you use the documentation tools described in that 'Best Practices for Scientific Computing' article? I'd like to know more
@jaranta #Git is a back-end. Yes, it needs front-ends with much better #UX for mass adoption, but it can be learned by mere mortals as is
@jaranta my point was if busy academics see Git as a multi-use tool, they may be more willing to put in a few hours to learn it for code use