I've made a deliberate choice against a quoting feature because it inevitably adds toxicity to people's behaviours. You are tempted to quote when you should be replying, and so you speak at your audience instead of with the person you are talking to. It becomes performative. Even when doing it for "good" like ridiculing awful comments, you are giving awful comments more eyeballs that way. No quote toots. Thank's
Eugen 💀 (gargron@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 10-Mar-2018 23:04:15 UTC Eugen 💀
Xerz 💗 [UNMOVED] (espectalll@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Mar-2018 23:09:30 UTC Xerz 💗 [UNMOVED]
@Gargron Funny thing, I already can do the same in Mastodon: toot my message with a link to the original toot. I don't need to notify the author of the quoted toot, anyway.
It may be not as visually clean, but it works.
Xerz 💗 [UNMOVED] (espectalll@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 10-Mar-2018 23:16:19 UTC Xerz 💗 [UNMOVED]
@Gargron (also, now that I notice: could you make it possible to drag an URL into the search box? That would be useful quoting or not)
Eugen 💀 (gargron@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 10-Mar-2018 23:21:52 UTC Eugen 💀
I was just answering a question that multiple new people asked me, it's not like I *just* made the decision. Didn't expect this toot to blow up of all things haha. This has been my position since that feature was requested for the first time more than a year ago
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 01:29:12 UTC Toni :fed:
Eso lo dice Vd.En fin, como desee.
Estás cosas se hacen y punto creo yo, pues sabe u sabemos que hay opiniones divididas al respecto.
Casi nunca citó un mensaje, no me gusta, pero hay personas que si.
Ahí está el "problema".
Si quiere hacer algo hágalo.
No vamos a cambiar su manera de pensar ni Vd va a cambiar la manera de pensar de los demás.King regards.
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 01:51:17 UTC Toni :fed:
spla :senyera: :vim: (spla@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 10:57:06 UTC spla :senyera: :vim:
@coloco estic molt d’acord amb ell, citar el que ha escrit algú és una de les coses que ha fet que Twitter sigui el que és, un lloc tòxic. És perfecte que no hagin volgut que Mastodon tingui aquesta opció
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:03:34 UTC Toni :fed:
@spla no crec que sigui tòxic per això només.
No ho acabo d'entendre. Mes aviat diu que s difícil seguir els fills quan es cita i les converses es fan molt difícils de seguir i esdevenen tòxiques.
M'ha semblat entendre, el meu angles es molt fluix i casi sempre haig de tirar de traductor. -
spla :senyera: :vim: (spla@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:04:42 UTC spla :senyera: :vim:
@coloco per això dic que és una de les coses...😉
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:06:03 UTC Toni :fed:
@spla a mi també em sobra aquesta opció, no li veig el que.
Ja es podia citar manualment diríem, copiant el enllaç del tuit que volies citar i ficant-lo dins el teu tuit amb el missatge.
spla :senyera: :vim: (spla@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:06:48 UTC spla :senyera: :vim:
@coloco això fan alguns, a mi no m’agrada gens
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:07:28 UTC Toni :fed:
@spla si si, ho es. De vegades obres tuits citats i dins en hi ha mes de citats amb les seves respostes corresponents i es gairebe impossible aclarir-te, al final acabo pasant de aquestes converses precisament per el que diu en Gargrom.
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:08:05 UTC Toni :fed:
@spla a mi tampoc company, estem d'acord.
per cert, bon dia i bon diumenge.
spla :senyera: :vim: (spla@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 11:09:12 UTC spla :senyera: :vim:
@coloco bon dia !
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 14:19:02 UTC Toni :fed:
@Gargron I agree.
Well! -
Toni :fed: (coloco@mastodont.cat)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 15:23:14 UTC Toni :fed:
Una de les coses, no havía llegit be. -
Pete Zaitcev (zaitcev@sealion.club)'s status on Sunday, 11-Mar-2018 23:10:01 UTC Pete Zaitcev
@gargron watch me https://sealion.club/attachment/1807723 御園はくい likes this.御園はくい repeated this. -
Simbionte (santiago@mastodon.uy)'s status on Saturday, 24-Dec-2022 20:20:38 UTC Simbionte
@Gargron absolute the best