We are planning to make (and replicate) standard installation, including one full-size #VAWT, #generator with battery, controller with extra load (water heater) and monitoring unit (arduino based, connected online to a public website, providing #wind speed, #turbine rpm/vibrations and V/A values from the generator circuit).
Now, the turbine part and monitoring part we have covered. The generation unit leaves some questions and I need your wisdom to answer them:
We are going to build several copies of this installation across Europe (see https://cnicoop.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/wind-power-to-the-people/ for details) and use it as a reference generator for other types of VAWT as well. So what we need is something long-term available, preferably in Europe, not too expensive (up to 50-75 Euro, perhaps) and standardized enough. Ideally low-rpm, so we can use low-ratio transmission. Up to 1000W AC or DC.