Like #Zot, #SSB (Secure #Scuttlebutt) is a fairly new social network protocol:
I'm looking forward to figuring out how to test it. So far there only seem to be desktop clients like:
SSB seems perfect for the mobile use case. I wonder if or when there will be SSB clients for Android, iOS etc?
Here's a run-down on using Patchwork, the flagship #SSB client
thanks @mikedd! I'll add that to the #ReplaceSlack page I'm working on:
@mikedd @clacke true, but some software is newbie ready, or at least production ready, while other software is only ready for testing.
@clacke @mikedd according to the notes in it's GH rep, mmmmm-mobile is in the latter category. I noted that on my page on replacing Slack
hey @mikedd you're involved in dev for #SSB and some of its clients, is that right? @clacke
@mikedd @clacke huh, ok. I thought I saw your name on an Issue in one of their GH projects. Active user then?
@mikedd @clacke used to be? Why did you stop?
@mikedd @clacke "meta" as in all the chat on SSD was about SSB?
@mikedd @clacke gah. #SaferSpacePolicing, along with the people it reacts to, is why we can't have cool stuff :(
@mikedd @clacke ae, this is a good example of how a community and a platform are not the same thing.
@clacke @mikedd I'm looking forward to the new website going live. I'm hoping we can get more such chat happening there
@mikedd @clacke I've just seen too many projects and communities ruined by the way those conversations tend to play out.
@clacke @mikedd I get that it's a response to a real problem, that causes real distress for people. I don't have a better solution
@mikedd @clacke ae, case in point
@mikedd like I said, I don't have a one-size-fits all solution to offer, and there are no silver bullets for social problems.
@mikedd but I think a bit of giving people the benefit of the doubt / assuming goodwill goes a long way, in general, but especially online
@mikedd this!
@mikedd ae, she got someone fired over dick jokes after tweeting this:
@mikedd double standards much?
@mikedd nobody should ever, *ever*, lose their living because someone eavesdropped on a private conversation, took offence, and went public
@mikedd you mean the link? It's the URL for Permaculture in NZ, and it works for me (redirects to WordPress placeholder)
@mikedd #permaculture? Check out . PiNZ is the national organization for permaculture activity in Aotearoa