@budkin #1 it's Lunduke, and his sponsored #clickbat is best taken with a grain of salt ...
@budkin ... Problem #1: solution is #certbot. Problem #2: solution is cert authorities like Let's Encrypt ...
@budkin #SHA Lunduke doesn't know the difference between an algorithm and a program. SHA implemented by free code isn't subject to #NSA
@budkin here's someone who knows their shit writing about #HTTPS
@budkin plus the crypto HTTPS uses isn't baked in. SSL was replaced with TLS, HTTPS didn't break. If SHA was compromised it can be swapped
@budkin sure, which is why we're now up to SHA-3. See my last point
@budkin ok. Have you been in touch with #LetsEncrypt about this? If so, what do they say?
@budkin Lunduke is, like me, an opinionated user. Jeff Atwood co-created both #StackExchange and #Discourse ...
@budkin ... Brian would have to raise some pretty strong and well-referenced arguments before I take his opinion over Jeff's ...
@budkin ... let alone over *everyone* at #Mozilla and the #InternetSociety . It doesn't prove he's wrong, but Brian's HTTPS views are fringe
@budkin "involved" doesn't always mean *useful*. Brian is know to get stuff totally wrong, then instead of self-correcting, he doubles down
@budkin I really don't want to watch his self-promotional FUD in full, but I'm happy to discuss HTTPS issue with you here. Shoot!
@budkin BTW did you read the older post linked at the top of that one?