@zemichi I find the drama interesting. Personally I think Stallman is scared that since he put a comment "Put in by rms. Don't remove" he has drawn a line in the sand, and if he lets people cross his lines, then his authority will be undermined. The glibc people could have talked wiith him beforehand but they didn't (as far as we know). So basically they are deliberately testing how far his control reaches.
- 御園はくい repeated this.
@ayy @zemichi the "no brown m&ms" of the foss world
@ajr @ayy @zemichi there has to be something holding back the crowds from infiltrating a project and turning it into a coc-laden, diversity-over-actual-code swamp
@shpuld @ajr @ayy @zemichi even without being mainstream it's already being attacked, imagine if it was
@ayy @ajr @shpuld @zemichi it'd be a good time for him to play the race card then
@ayy but they haven't played theirs yet