"The Privacy Scandal That Should Be Bigger Than Cambridge Analytica"
"Wireless carriers are sharing your real-time location with shady third parties—and a bug lets anyone use that data to track you."
Fot-li gardela 🔥😠
Pots comptar que por estos lares deuen estar traficant també amb les dades de localització per estacions base com si no hi hagués demà.
Les grans telecos (d'infraestrucura per una banda, i de serveis per l'altra) recopilant una quantitat ingent de dades personals, més una deriva cap a la dreta, ultradreta i autoritarisme de moltíssims governs al món, "occident" al capdavant. Què pot anar malament?
@maya Juas. As an alternative, you can try the direct access here:
Although not perfect, if you browse with Firefox and plugins such as NoScript, Privacy Badger and Decentraleyes, and with a permanent private mode, you can bypass most of tracking. That's what I do. There are of course more advanced countermeasures (TOR, avoiding anything that might help to fingerprint your browser, etc.)
If you don't accept this site's terms, and are consistent with this when you browse the Internet, that can easily prevent you from accessing >95% of Internet, isn't it so?
Salut! 🖖✨
@maya Oops, the link didn't work
how about this:
Or, breaking it into parts so it is not shortened:
https:// slate. com /technology/2018/05/the-locationsmart-scandal-is-bigger-than-cambridge-analytica-heres-why-no-one-is-talking-about-it.html
@maya Parece que tengo problemas para seguir tu cuenta desde aquí
Bueno, sea como sea: viendo tu perfil, me ha hecho venir esta canción a la cabeza:
A disfrutar ;)
(hooktube sirve para apantallarte ante youtube a la hora de ver vídeos colgados allí. Más deseable es tener los vídeos colgados en plataformas libres, claro)