@href Maybe that is it, cause I use 'Nginx Bad Bot and User-Agent Blocker, Spam Referrer Blocker, Anti DDOS, Bad IP Blocker and Wordpress Theme Detector Blocker' (https://github.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker). Let me see if I can merge those lists.
jəˈrunˈprɑːt (jeroenpraat@todon.nl@todon.nl)'s status on Monday, 23-Jul-2018 14:57:30 UTC jəˈrunˈprɑːt
jəˈrunˈprɑːt (jeroenpraat@todon.nl@todon.nl)'s status on Monday, 23-Jul-2018 14:58:46 UTC jəˈrunˈprɑːt
@href WTF! The moment we talked here about it, I had three new mxsrv.mailasrvs.pw accounts. They/he/she probably watching our conversation!
jəˈrunˈprɑːt (jeroenpraat@todon.nl@todon.nl)'s status on Monday, 23-Jul-2018 16:47:07 UTC jəˈrunˈprɑːt
@href I merged that naughty_list in Nginx Ulgtimate Bad Bot Blocker (https://github.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker).
FYI: I added 'include /etc/nginx/bots.d/naughtylist-mastodon.conf;' at the bottom of /etc/nginx/bots.d/blacklist-ips.conf. Created /etc/nginx/bots.d/naughtylist-mastodon.conf with the same contents as https://gist.githubusercontent.com/patf/1ae99fdd15718483fc15b1e8c8f25fe2/raw/6764365b800e1e1509552338ba6be085a8731124/naughty_list.txt, but at the end of every line ' 1;'