Late #introductions
Hi, I'm Hypolite Petovan, and it's my real name even though it isn't my official name. I'm a PHP Web Developer, since 2016 toiling on #Friendica, a decentralized social network aiming at maximum compatibility with other decentralized social networks. I have been intending to make games all my life even though I ended not pursuing it professionally.
I have a daughter born on 2014 that I'm trying to raise correctly, I used to be centrist, have been radicalized on Internet and now supports marginalized people to the best of my abilities. I could have been a tech bro and this terrifies me.
I know a little about a lot, likes instrumental energetic music and abstract geometric art. I am sensitive to light and sound and easily drained by social interactions. However, I will happily show up to a meeting with people I met online. I like putting faces on display names.
Ask me anything!