I was at Victoria's Secret today picking up some underwear (I KNOW, EXPENSIVE AND OBJECTIFYING, BUT IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT FITS MY FAT ASS) when a man came in shouting all sorts of obscene bullshit about Christmas and how it's more than a holiday, that it's the season of "The Birth of Christ". Well, I'm not one to hold my tongue, so I told him that he should take his problematic language elsewhere and reminded him that the holidays are for everyone, from black people (Kwanza) to Jews (Hannukah) to Atheists (Atheists can celebrate Christmas too). Everyone around me started clapping. The idiot started stammering "m-m-muh guns" and I told him that Hillary won the popular vote and that he should take his bigotry elsewhere. Everyone started clapping again. So let this be a lesson to always speak your mind, especially when bigotry is afoot.
- 御園はくい repeated this.
@rw so brave and inspirational
@hakui thank you, we have to stay strong in these trying times
@rw we have to continue resisting