@stigatle @johnnynull Americans did not vote for Hillary because she is a woman and Trump is a good example of aggressive male attitude. I don't like a Bully at the top of a political system.
- 御園はくい repeated this.
@marcus is that what you really think or is that what the media taught you to say
@marcus if that's the extent of your intellectual rigor i guess it can't be helped that you believe simple narratives like "people didn't vote for rodham because sexism"
i hope you're not in a teaching position
@marcus there's hope for the next generation yet then
@sim @marcus mm, if i could vote i'd have voted for stein tbh
@marcus @sim see, for trump, time might tell if he's corrupt. maybe
for rodham? why wait, evidence of the clinton foundation dealing with foreign states for favors are already there
@lambadalambda as requested, i'm smiling at @marcus