@sun @interneteh And what do they need this for?
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Sunday, 25-Aug-2019 02:49:48 UTC Bernie
Sid (interneteh@sunbeam.city)'s status on Saturday, 24-Aug-2019 02:43:36 UTC Sid
o w l l e g s
Bernie repeated this. -
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 24-Aug-2019 18:11:28 UTC Bernie
@interneteh omg, i had no idea...
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Saturday, 24-Aug-2019 18:13:21 UTC Bernie
@sun @interneteh Apparently so...
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Sunday, 25-Aug-2019 02:53:45 UTC Bernie
@sun @interneteh Ah, because their eyes cannot move!
https://centerofthewest.org/2016/07/25/its-hard-to-hide-from-an-owl-part-3-stealth/ -
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Sunday, 25-Aug-2019 02:55:19 UTC Bernie
""Owls are known for their outstanding neck mobility: these birds can rotate their heads more than 270°. The anatomical basis of this extraordinary neck rotation ability is not well understood. We used X-ray fluoroscopy of living owls as well as forced neck rotations in dead specimens and computer tomographic (CT) reconstructions to study how the individual cervical joints contribute to head rotation in barn owls"
Bernie (codewiz@mstdn.io)'s status on Sunday, 25-Aug-2019 03:03:22 UTC Bernie
@sun @interneteh Are Shaft characters owls? 😂