Todon.nl is as you know funded by your donations. To make sure we have a bright future, we ask you to consider supporting Todon.nl with your donations.
You can make a donation via Liberapay, Open Collective, Ko-fi or Patreon.
* Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/Todon.nl/ (recurring / Paypal, credit card, EU bank account)
* Open Collective: https://opencollective.com/todonnl (one-time, recurring / credit card)
* Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/todonnl (one-time / Paypal, credit card)
* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/todon_nl (recurring / Paypal, credit card)
See https://wiki.todon.nl/todon/donations for more information.
💰 :todon: 💰 :todon: 💰 :todon: 💰 :todon: 💰 :todon: 💰